When the Global Pandemic hit, many families were devastated.  With the health quarantine that was imposed, there were shortages of food and supplies at the local markets.  Even if you could get out to stores (since there were restrictions in place) – grocery shelves were often empty of items that your family needed.  In our area, there was a massive run on toilet paper.  You couldn’t find it anywhere!

So the question arises…

Should we stockpile toilet paper to prepare for the next emergency situation?

Well, it’s obviously an issue that we’ve experiences so it’s a valid question.  I can share some points to consider if you are thinking about stockpiling toilet paper for any future emergency situation.  Here are some general thoughts to consider:

Analyze the emergency situation:

It is essential to understand the circumstances of an emergency before deciding to stockpile any goods, including toilet paper. For instance, in the case of a hurricane or natural disaster, it is unlikely that toilet paper is a crucial item to stockpile as there could be more pressing needs like food, water, shelter, or medical supplies. In contrast, during a pandemic or similar widespread outbreak, the availability of toilet paper could be limited due to supply chain disruptions and panic buying, making it important to stockpile.

Determine the duration of the emergency:

Another critical factor to consider is the potential length of the emergency. If it is a short-term emergency like a power outage or water supply disruption, it may not be necessary to stockpile large amounts of toilet paper. However, if the emergency is likely to last for several weeks or months, it may be wise to consider stockpiling toilet paper to avoid shortages.

Assess your personal and family needs:

Personal factors like the number of people in your household, the frequency of bowel movements, and the size of your storage space should also be taken into account when deciding to stockpile toilet paper. It is vital to stockpile a reasonable amount that can last for a considerable period but does not take up excessive space in your home.

Keep in mind the cost:

While it is understandable to want to stockpile, it is essential to consider the cost involved in purchasing large amounts of toilet paper. The cost may not be worth it if there is no need for it during the emergency, or if the emergency situation is not long-lasting. Moreover, panic buying can lead to inflated prices and hoarding, making it more difficult for others to access necessary goods.

In conclusion, the decision to stockpile toilet paper during an emergency situation ultimately depends on various factors. It is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully and assess the specific emergency’s nature, duration, and personal needs. It is also crucial to avoid panic buying and to stockpile goods responsibly, keeping in mind the cost and the needs of your community.